Friday, November 13, 2009

Of gems and the fakes

Just because something looks pretty and reflects light does not mean that it is a gem.

Just because it captures and traps the beautiful rainbow does not mean that it's a crystal.

It can be a brilliant work of glass, pretending it's worth more than just that

It can be a cleverly made plastic, meant to imitate the look of a diamond's every beauty

Or it can be a luminous sculpture of ice, mesmerizing but will melt to nothing in my grasp

I guess you're a little of all

A wonderful carved piece of perhaps the highest quality of brittle glass

Pleasant to the eyes of many, a proud possession I seem to have, but I alone know the value you hold

Not very much

An old amethyst may not look as radiant

a ruby might not sparkle as you do

an aquamarine might not have the crystal-clear beauty you possess

but they're true and real

and will not change through time and trials

I love my gems

0 oinkss: