Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Had my first final paper today - Industrial Automation and Robotics.... Sounds boring? It is...

I spent my entire day playing test twirl on facebook yesterday. In between, I ate snacks, played with my hamsters, ate snacks, loiter on net, had dinner... but I still did study a little la... and I believe it was quite enough to get A la... I actually finished studying a little after 12am, and spent 3 hours online reading blogs. That was when I discovered josey's and lee shing's blog. And it was last night I decided to take a look at Kenny Sia's blog. It was quite entertaining and some were really hilarious. The MMU prom night post had me roaring with laughter. After having a blast online, I yawned - sign that it was time to sleep. So I said good night to my hammies and climbed into bed. I had some small talk with God and closed my eyes blissfully. That was when..... I heard.... someone whispered urgently to me saying


OMG!! I forgot to study the calculation part for today's test. I quickly kicked my blanket aside, bolted up and started memorising the formulas. God, I'm so blessed.

Maybe, I should not again refer to such situations as;
~I heard a voice in my head saying....~
~I felt someone telling me tat...~
~A thought flashed through my mind, showing that....~

By now, I should have recognise these are God's words for me, helping me in my everyday life. Reminding me small things I forget, and gently tugging me back to the right path when I walk astray. God grants me such personal in intimate relationship although I'm not the least near perfection in His eyes. I am so blessed.

1 oinkss:

~Josey~ said...

no wonder you appear suddenly out of nowhere..i didnt know you have blog either.hehe..