Thursday, April 17, 2008

Karaoke =)

Went to Green Box with Keat How yeasterday. His first time to ktv. My second. =)
It was fun. We had lots of drinks. Ribena, Laici, Soda, Coke, Vanilla coke... and I don't remember what else. We had lots of snacks too. At the end of the 3 hours, our throats were so sore my voice croaks as I speak. Well, we had to make every cents count, don't we? =)

For as long as I remember, he had refused my every invitation to ktv. He doesn't sing much, even when it's just the two of us. So yesterday was quite an achievement. =P It wasn't that high at first, with only me SS - ing, but he got the hang of it =D It was really enjoyable.

I had a great day, dear =) hugs hugs...... I know it's a big step for you. Cause you're soooo conservative, old man!!! hehe... (people might thought you're 10 years older than me, now.. hohoho)

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