Wednesday, June 25, 2008


One thing I don't understand about these government universities, is why they need so many set of our certified certificates, and our passport size photos. We sent a set of our photyostated certs to them when we were applied for admission, now they need another set. What did they do with the previous set? Throw them away? And our photos, what do they want 10 of my passport photos for? To drool over them? Then every year when we apply for a place in the hostel, we need to give them another set of certs, not this much though, and 2 more passport size photos. The following year, another 2 photos. What did they do with the previous 2?

5 oinkss:

martha said...

Hey Small-Boar,

I understand your aggravation :). But, the good news is that now you can print your passport photos at home using your own home-printer, and do that for FREE! Now, make free and valid passport pictures by following 3 simple steps on

I also tried it, and now I no more visit the local photographer and spend my hard-earned money there.


YANG said...

i hate getting these documents all done too. do u have to fill in lotsa forms too and do payments at banks? hey ure lucky u only need 10 passport photos. i just printed another ADDITIONAL 20 today.

~Josey~ said...

lol..its malaysian government only i suppose..other place they have everything computerized..

*Small~Boar* said...

martha - hey, thx =) i should try that out.

yang - yea, lots of forms requesting unrelevant informations, like how much my house is worth. blah.... wow, 20 pics?? Do they plan to help you run for election or something??

josey - yalo, what to do? government uni ma. s'pore uni reply my email the next day. I was shocked, act. hehe

*Small~Boar* said...
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