Saturday, July 5, 2008

Guess what.....?


I'm so happy. I thank all of you who prayed for me. This is the power of group prayers =) Hehe... Leaving next week on the 11th. Really looking forward to it. Edrea, I'm coming =P

It's a shame, that I took so long to learn humility. Had I not let my pride took over 3 years ago, had I rely on God and not my strength, I might, I might get this scholarship then, and not waste these 3 years. However, He knew what I needed, for if I had success then, I would only add size to my already big, conceited head. He made me see that true strength is only revealed when I step down and gave Him the throne to lead my life. I got what I wanted, perhaps it is also the road He wanted me to take, but which was delayed due to my ego.

However, it's not fair to make it sounds like I suffered the 3 years I spent in UTM. I enjoyed every minute of it. The laid-back lifestyle, the friends I made, and meeting one of the most important person in my life =) it's like an extra class/lesson i needed to get on to the next level, and I did have a great time attending the class =P

Totally new environment with totally new faces, I'm thrilled =) May God guide me through every minute of my time there like He did till now.

0 oinkss: