Thursday, November 13, 2008

I wonder...

Do I look like a pretty South African?
I know I'm pretty dark, yet fair by their standard, still.....

Question of the day:
Why do I keep attracting the blacks!!!!

4 oinkss:

Edrea Chua said...


By stereotyping ho.. They em.. will try any luck .. =S so ..dun be scared k..if u dun like it just smile politely and walk away or just tell them.. or the next best thing is always have ur ear phones stuck in ur ear! =)

*Small~Boar* said...

Haha, now that's an idea =P
but 2 of them are people I actually know, and I'm beginning to learn sharpening my radar. If sense them from far, just that another route. very bad, I know >.< but it's scary to have a black man telling you he's determined to snatch you from your boyfriend =S and who's persistent to give you Thai massage!!!

Edrea Chua said...

oh my... =) for my 3 years there I never had any problems.. hahaha .. u should tell what you have done to attract them lol! =)=)

*Small~Boar* said...

I didn't do anything ah... But I did ask Keat How if I look like a black. he says I have the butt of a black = ="