Friday, April 9, 2010


I used to buy the smallest size available for my facial wash/toner/body shampoo.

I used to pour generous amount of body shampoo on my palm and carelessly let them drip while i wash myself.

I used to pull out toilet paper, as much/as long as my hand can stretch for each use.

I used to pour lots of oatmeal/milo/cereal into my cup and throw them away if I can't finish them.

.........................all these because I LOVE the thrill of going shopping for new ones when they finish

Now, I cant do that anymore

Now, last few drops of facial wash can last me probably another fortnight.

Now, body shampoo is carefully poured on a sponge and spread across myself by scrubbing the sponge.

Now, I think of how much toilet paper I need and take accordingly.

Now, I take half the serving of previous oatmeal/cereal and add only when I still crave them.

.........................all these because I'm BROKE

totally broke

I know what it taste like now to not earn enough to support myself
It thoroughly sucks

I'm broke

0 oinkss: