Monday, July 7, 2008

Amazing Grace

Life may not be perfect, but it definitely isn't dull, espeacially when God's your leader.

I was thinking about changing my course to ICT. Initially, I had wanted to apply for software engineering. However, I couldn't find it under the number of choices given. So i applied for E&E, and that's what Petronas gave me. Later, I found out that ICT majors in software engineering and my heart have been itching to change course. what made me hesitate though, is that ICT is not pure software, and there are more to it such as business, and technologies. I needed to confirm what I'll be studying if I do change my course, but there was no one to ask. The only and best person to ask is Edrea, and she's not here in Malaysia. i didn't know what to do.

Lat night, I had a dream. I dreamt that I met Edrea at a school gathering, and I asked her what I wanted to know. She told me that although there is a large portion of software in ICT, the business and technologies parts are not something I can ignore as well, and there are quite a lot of memorizing. She advised me that if the only reason I want to change is because I like programming, then I shouldn't, for E&E does has its share of programming too. Then I woke up, feeling certain God had reassured my path again. I'm so blessed.

0 oinkss: