Friday, March 5, 2010

Or so we think........

I had this conversation with a lecturer last sem, whom I bug with every little problem occurred on my ETP's little circuit board.

Me: Wow, how do you know there's problem there? Is that supposed to influence this?

Him: We know it's not supposed to cause problem. But experience tells me this occur when you do that.

Me: Then how am I supposed to debug if problem comes from a place not supposed to have problem? Debug everything?

Him: Yes, debug everything, for now. When you're experienced, you'll know where to look for illogical bug.

Me: @.@

How true. Now what the heck is wrong with my PCB?? When did Wiegand wire is heard of causing false trigger? Problem found and solved. But why?????? Either illogical things do happen in science, or our brain is still too limited to understand.

2 oinkss:

Shwu Fei said...

damm hate tis kind of things happen..nothing can explain...Geram!!

*Small~Boar* said...

yalor... so sien and kek tiok. blueks