Thursday, February 28, 2008


Joy is when we have true, lasting happiness.
Happiness is when laughters are real.
Laughter is when we smile from our heart (with accompanying music)
Smiles come from blossoming soul

Life is not always a bouquet of roses, but I do try to hope that it is a few stems, at least =)

We have choices in everything we do. Lots of assignment? You can choose not to do it. Yes you can. But with every choices, there is responsibility. Put in effort, you have success. Laze around, you might not do well. Please use your authority to choose well. (No I'm not making you all to vote). Smile always, be joyful =)

Monday, February 25, 2008


I helped Keat How cut his hair this afternoon. Nice?? I surprisingly love doing it. But I would not dare cute anyone else's hair =P except for front hair(fringe) or simple trimming =)

Accidentally cut a little too much here. Hehe. He asked
if I bit a chunk of his hair off. Bluekz

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Target Shooting

It has been a busy fortnight with continuous tests. 6 tests had pass. 2 or 3 more to go.
Take your stand

Not all were shot straight to the target, but oh well, life is not perfect.

Bang Bang Bang
Bang Bang

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm tired,
tired of being your emotional punching bag.

why don't you let me punch you instead??

On a happier note, following this incident, I once again felt the warmth of a soul called friend.

Dear friend,

You used to say that I am your littlle angel. But all these while, you had been my guardian angel who makes me smile again whenever I thought I had no one to turn to.
Thank you.
~a smile you lit~

A Triangular Relationship

Once, you made my heart flutter with your every smile
Once, you lit my smile with your twinkled eyes
Once, your very presence gave me comfort and contentment
There was nothing I wanted more than to sit with you,
talk to you, look at you, hold your hands, see your smile, hear your laughter
Once, my heart was all yours,
the pleasure when you brushed your lips against mine was so contagious
it spread to the tip of my fingers.
Once, you made my soul so full it was a joy giving you all I had

But you couldn't hold up
You said my love was too much you couldn't savor it
My chatters too long it burnt your ears
My excitement too overbearing it tires you
My companion endlessly bore you off

You said you love me but it was just too much
I gave too much
I asked too much
Too much of your time, your attention, your love

I'm tired
Tired of expecting, of waiting, of anticipating
Tired of disappointing, and being disappointed
Is this worth striving for?

This was actually written several weeks ago. In the midst of life, chasing the standard set by the world and endlessly striving to fulfill our own expectations, we failed to grasp what's most important. At times of grief and tears, we blamed each other and ourselves when we couldn't find ways to our problems and core to our pain. We almost gave up when nothing seems right. We had forgotten the one savior who had been pateintly waiting for us to turn ourselves to Him, to let Him take our loads. At the deepest pit of our relationship, God talked to us and reminded us the must do in a relationship. To walk together in the light of God. To grow closer to Him, and we shall grow closer to each other. In His embrace, He shall take care of whatever needed to be taken care of. Our path took a new turning from there. There is still squabble every now and then but we know things are going to be alright because he will be leading us. A third party who is most welcomed and a must presence in a relationship =)
