Tuesday, January 25, 2011
'Jesus always goes with us when He gives us directions.'
Often, even though we know the choice to make and the route to take, fear is still by no means absent. Fear for unknown, fear for all possible outcome.
However, knowing that God will walk down the directions He point us to with us is a great comfort. Nothing will be too hard, no fall too pain when we have the Lord guarding over us. The confidence that He will not simply point us a direction and leave us to fight our own battle shall ease our worries.
Walking with Him is a lifetime learning process. From time to time, we shall undoubtly go astray from the right path. Yet again and again He shall tug us back to Him gently, a little harder at times when we get stubborn but if we learn to listen and obey, we can avoid taking a long, hard detour of life. Be led by Him.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
This reminds me of my own vow of purity made many many years ago. To be exact, 23rd October 2006. It's a contract with God, to wait for true love, and to love in His way.
There is chapter excerpts of the book available here;
and these alone brings great ponder. Among the many things I like from there;
"True love germinates in the soil of sacrifice, sprouts in the garden of surrender, and matures in a matrimony of servanthood. Love isn't love until it has cost you something to give it away."
Labels: Lord and me, love
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
this kid had given me countless laughter lately
he's adorable
he's trusting
he's shy
he's sweet
he loves me!!!
Labels: sharing
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I used to think that love is a choice. But today, Pastor Jaeson Ma taught me that love is not just a choice. It's far and much more than that.
Pastor Jaeson Ma became a rapper at the age of 13, had a radical encounter with God at the age of 16 and was later called to surrender his dreams in the entertainment world to become a pastor. His talent in music however, enabled him to also be a gospel messenger in the entertainment industry. Entertainers such as Vanness Wu had come to know God through Jaeson Ma.
Last year, Jaeson Ma started on a 365days love mission, to show at least one act of love each day. His journey of learning and discovering love is recorded in his blog. Click here for the original post and link to his blog.
Love is true. Love is painful. Love is not easy. Love can be messy. Love is powerful. Love can change you. Love is difficult. Love is commitment. Love is what hate is not. Love learns. Love always listens. Love doesn’t hold onto the wrongs. Love overlooks the sin. Love looks into the heart. Love can be gained. Love can be lost. Love is possible. Love forgives, every time. Love doesn’t lie. Love is always worth a try. Love makes you laugh. Love makes you cry. Love hurts so bad. Love can’t be explained, but love can be felt. Love knows. Love is unconditional. Love accepts you just the way you are. Love protects, defends and fights to the end. Love prefers. Love will sacrifice all for the sake of another. Love is not afraid. Love is full of courage. Love begins with God, then it starts with you. Love takes time. Love doesn’t make sense sometimes. Love is beautiful. Love can be ugly. Love shows kindness. Love is not blind, love sees. Love is compassion. Love can be desperate. Love is discovered when you are broken. Love is in the little things. Love is caught in the most unseen moments. Love is deep, never shallow. Love lends a hand. Love feeds the hungry. Love doesn’t think of itself first, but always others. Love doesn’t demand it’s rights. Love trusts. Love lets go. Love doesn’t blame others. Love takes responsibility. Love doesn’t hold grudges. Love doesn’t compare. Love always believes. Love is risky. Love is worth taking the risk even if it means being hurt. Love is a lesson. Love is all we have. Love feels. Love is distant. Love is close. Love is in every heart. Love dreams. Love encourages. Love is crazy. Love makes you do crazy ridiculous things. Love sucks. Love is a drug. Love is everything. Love bleeds. Love was hung on a cross for all our sins. Love doesn’t see fault. Love gives you what you don’t deserve. Love hates. Love loves. Love is madness. Love is lonely sometimes. Love speaks. Love is silent. Love is loud. Love is discipline. Love is uncomfortable. Love is humble. Love enjoys. Love has fun. Love eats. Love sleeps. Love is an adventure. Love brings peace. Love doesn’t judge. Love embraces. Love gives big hugs. Love smiles. Love dances. Love is always down to help. Love is there for you when you need it the most. Love cares. Love is alive. Love is full of tears. Love makes the heart heavy, like right now. Love will heal with time. Love doesn’t need an answer every time. Love prays. Love hopes. Love never ever gives up. Love is repentant. Love is sorry. Love gets back up again. Love tries. Love pushes you to your limits. Love is scary. Love doesn’t work out always. Love can teach you a good lesson. Love is better than lust. Love gives everything it has. Love doesn’t hold back. Love is not cheap, but costly. Love is a choice. Love is not forced. Love doesn’t take advantage. Love respects. Love always seeks for the best interest of others. Love is giving up what you want, for the wants of another. Love is a promise unbroken. Love is your word. Love doesn’t play games. Love is serious. Love isn’t learned in a day, but learned in a lifetime. Love will make you get on your knees. Love waits. Love moves on. Love is hard. Love is generous. Love kills. Love brings life. Love doesn’t point the finger. Love looks within. Love always wins. Love grows. Love is example. Love is faithful. Love is understanding. Love is full of grace. Love is truth. Love gives roses. Love is finer than wine. Love is found in Paris. Love is lost in life. Love is creative & love creates. Love is a struggle. Love comes and love goes. Love gets mad. Love sometimes yells. Love is brutal. Love is affection. Love transforms. Love is sex done God’s way. Love is pure like a newborn baby. Love is childish. Love is mature. Love is being yourself. Love is loving yourself. Love can. Love is freedom. Love is radical. Love is rad. Love can lead to war. Love will defend the poor. Love is just. Love always does what is right. Love is coming clean. Love is new every morning. Love is there every night, you just have to look for it. Love is in the darkness. Love shines like the dawn. Love is warm. Love is cold too. Love repents. Love is willing to change. Love does what is necessary. Love doesn’t just talk, it walks. Love can feel like a jail cell. Love comes in different forms is expressed in different ways. Love is a language. Love serves. Love is quality time. Love is a gift. Love is heard. Love is physical, don’t be afraid to touch. Love plans. Love is also spontaneous. Love is a surprise. Love is wise. Love can be learned in every life experience good or bad. Love makes the heart happy. Love can’t be taken away, unless you let it. Love is something else. Love doesn’t focus on self. Love is God. Yes, God is love. Love yourself, then you can love others. Love is a golden rule for life. Love is life. Love is family. Love is true friends who love you not for what you can do, but for who you are. Love is what we were created for. Love is big. Love is not noticed. Love is stealth. Love is all around. Love is a song. Love is a presence. Love is worship. Love gives glory. Love always has a story to tell. Love looks like Jesus. Love doesn’t always feel good, but it is good. Love is fearless & faith-full. Love is drama haha. Love takes two. Love is infinite. Love forgets. Love is not full of itself. Love is not addicted, love is self controlled. Love hates evil. Love will not boast or brag. Love is the kindest person you will ever meet. Love is real. Love keeps it real. Love is truthful, it doesn’t beat around the bush. Love is in the eyes. Love can be painful to look at. Love makes priority. Love is not the shape of a heart, love is in the form of a cross. Love isn’t a job. Love isn’t a project. Love just is. Love is who we are, love is what we do, love is perfect even though we are not perfect. Love knows no excuses. Love doesn’t live a lie. Love is a raging fire that can’t be contained, neither explained. Love is worth it all, love gives it all, love is all I want, love is all I need. Love is everything to me. Love I’m still learning. Love I’m still failing. Love you force me to keep going, even when I mess up. Love messed me up. Love is simple & complicated all at the same time. Love is tiring. Love also energizes. Love is up. Love is down. Love makes your heart pound. Love is magical. Love is passionate. Love hurts like hell. Love can feel like heaven. Love makes mistakes. Love is failing, but learning to try again. Love is willing to suffer. Love is willing to lose it all to gain it all. Love is death. Love is resurrection. Love is to die for. Love I could keep going, but I will stop here. Just love.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Today, the hydrangea in my house reminded me again why it's my favorite flower. Its color had changed, from last week's blueish-purple to maroon-green.
a flower which my parents don't think much of
but which i insist of planting
flower with ability to to change its colors
to suit the pH level of the soil
to live on under circumstances and changes
which would have killed many other flowers
a name which in language of flower itself
represents 'perseverance'
reminds me of courage to face and accept changes
but most importantly
however it changes itself to suit the outside world
it never loses it's grace and beauty
Since I'm on the topic, second in line on my favorite list would be the plumeria. Used to be my favorite back in high school, before I came to know of hydrangea.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Simply let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no','no'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37
Although vows and oaths are common, Jesus taught that our words alone should be enough if we are known as persons of our word. Truthfulness seems rare nowadays that we feel we must end our statements with 'I promise.' However, if we tell the truth at all times, we wouldn't feel the need to back our our words with oaths.
Above all, my brothers, do not swear - not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no', 'no' or you will be condemned. James 5:12
Some may say that truth is often the sharpest dagger,
and lies at most times are kindness....
I want my simple words to be believable.
I will choose truth.
I wish I can always believe you
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
During the prayer service this week;
Pastor: So let's now break into pairs and pray for each others' prayer needs. Husbands and wives separated,k?
Mum: Okay, so what prayer needs you have? Fyp? Job placements?
Me(sheepishly): I want a car......
Mum(sweat look): You telling me or telling God?
Me: ermm... both?
hehehe...... my mum is quite cute sometimes =P
Labels: sharing