Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Irritated and helpless smallboar

Busy, busy, busy...

1 thing I really lack now is a nice long date with Mr.Chow.
It does feel so wrong and weird when sleep of 6-7 hours is a luxury. In UTM, that was the amount of hours I slept when I had no time to sleep!

Argh!!! A constant lethargy does not suit me well.....
I look terrible now

feeling trapped and exhausted

2 oinkss:

lee shing said...

kolien...me too la...no time to sleep...@_@ so must appreciate ur sleeping time...

*Small~Boar* said...

yalor.. so kolian, ho, us... blueks.. but we must GAMBATEH!!! after next week is raya hols lo... must survive till then =P

u jia u jia u oso lo =D