Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bed Sweet Bed

Two little softie is added to the family during the Raya hols. They're both a birthday present as well as a replacement for the hammies I can't have. They're really nice to hug and my really turned my bed into a most romantic place for a date with mr.chow =D

This is Xixi

This is Lele

Which makes them XixiLele (XiLe carries the meaning of joy in chinese)

And with the spongebob my dad brought all the way from Kuching for me, my bed is now haven for peace and relaxation. At least when I turn the door knob and push the door open, I do feel I've come back to a place called mine. =)

1 oinkss:

Edrea Chua said...

hey la~ next sem u can come to my room anytime and play with my hammies.. they are big big big.. so i hear.. hehe.. not those tiny twigs when we first bought 'em.. =) yes utp is uh-uh.. a lil daunting lols.. but u will get use to it.. =) will make u when im baacc..=)