Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today, I took the ring down from my finger and wear it instead on my necklace. Without the feel of that stainless steel's coldness between my fingers, it felt a little odd. Although it is no longer there, where it had rested for the past year, it will still be near to my heart. And I believe firmly that someday, it will go back to where it belongs.

Playing with my bare fingers, I realised that I have not fully recovered from the injury I got from basketball weeks ago. Like you know fully well, yes, I have been neglecting it, not applying medicine to it like I should. Perhaps tonight, before bed, I will put some oilment to it.

I spent most of the time in class today wondering how you're doing in class. I have to keep reminding myself why we made this decision. At a phase where we could no longer go forward nor turn back, we had to do something. Reading your blog made me feel so sorry that I put you through so much pain. But like you said, I believe in what the future holds.

0 oinkss: