Monday, April 19, 2010


Last night, I again dreamt of swimming. It had been getting more and more frequent to dream of myself in the water. Sometimes, I was in a hotel's pool, swimming to and fro rapidly. Sometimes, I was underwater, but found myself amazingly capable of breathing underwater. Occasionally, I was swimming against the waves in the sea, struggling to an unknown place.

This time, I was swimming along the coast, escaping from one side of an island to the other side. It was raining heavily, and all I knew was to get away, as if something was chasing me. I saw a big iron gate in a distance, I didn't know how I got there, but swim I did. I climbed over the gate and landed myself in a normal-looking primary school. The only weird thing is that everywhere seemed to be wet and even in the classrooms, rain dripped through the roofs but class went on undisturbed, neither by the rain nor by my presence.

As I have dreamt so much of swimming lately, I got curious and actually looked up the dream encyclopedia. According to it, when a person dream of swimming, it usually means trying to take control of oneself emotionally, or undergoing a big emotional change. I guess this makes sense as almost everyday I need to prepare myself for work and telling myself over and over again that I don't hate my work, assuring myself countless time that this is good for me and basically trying to hypnotize myself into liking it. Guess I can expect myself more swimming sessions in my dream....

2 oinkss:

Shwu Fei said...

Swimming Dream Meaning

Psychological Meaning: Expanses of water usually symbolises the unconscious. Dreaming of swimming shows how you trust the unconscious and are supported by it. You have confidence and are receptive to its creative power. If you dream of swimming underwater this may indicate that you have accepted and are at one with your unconscious. This union is even more apparent if you dream of being able to breathe underwater.

Mystical Meaning: Swimming strongly in clear water means you will achieve great success in love and business. The opposite applies if you struggle or the water is dirty.

*Small~Boar* said...

the psychological meaning kinda make sense. all the swimming started only when I started UTP. From depressed, unwilling to accept, to surrendering. intern lagi obvious, giving up and surrending, at first feeling defeated, now trying just to enjoy and think at the bright side. hahaha

mystical one more like telling the future, don't really trust la, cause it's like fortune telling. the psychological one is like just explaining what I'm currently undergoing, which is quite true XS